
The Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences is a non-profit research institute in Seattle, WA. Dr. Meuleman’s research interests span genome organization, regulatory genomics, computational epigenomics and large-scale data integration & visualization.

We are currently looking to fill multiple computational research positions at all levels, ranging from Bachelor-level to postdoctoral researchers. Postdoctoral researchers will have the flexibility to select and pursue research directions within ongoing areas of research, or develop new directions with Dr. Meuleman.

We aim for an inquisitive, conscientious, collaborative and inclusive research environment, so that we can do our best work together. This environment includes a strong commitment to training and teaching of skills required, and an expectation of working with enthusiastic self-motivating people.

Researchers from traditionally underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply: we want to hear from you! Please also do not hesitate to apply because of your current geographical location- we have flexibility to consider applicants from across the USA. Positions available immediately, until filled!

For more information: — @nameluem